• Building Surroundings : arch3373 : Rex : CoA@TTU: September 2006 body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#99cccc">

    Monday, September 25, 2006


    Tuesday will be a work day.
    Michael and B. will be available to you during class time in the classroom.
    Take the opportunity to visit with them and ask them questions about your Exercise #1- which is due Thursday at the beginning of class. No roll will be taken.


    Sunday, September 24, 2006

    Base Maps

    I can't explain why the base files were password protected. I've never made a password protected file before. I've changed the download options so that you can download each one of the file types seperately. I think the server didn't like the foot sign, equals sign or some other special symbol I had in the file name. Let me know if it doesn't work for you. Thanks to S.R. for alerting me to the problem.

    Friday, September 22, 2006

    Base Maps, Due Date, Class Locations, & Seminar

    I have uploaded the .zip file with the Ex#1 base maps inside.
    This assignment will be due Thursday, September 26th at 11:15AM on site.
    The submission will be one 11 by 17 print out with title block, north arrow, and graphic scale. (As I said in class, it is my intention to use the best design as the standard titleblock for ALL future work done in this class.)
    I have updated the class schedule at right to clearly say when we'll be in class on Thursdays.
    Michael will do a seminar in how to use Illustrator at 1:00PM Friday (today) in room 802.

    Again, sorry about that location confusion.

    Sunday, September 17, 2006

    Flea Market Map

    Beatriz and I had a very enlightening and enjoyable sit down with Nan Penney (maiden name- I can't remember her married name, sorry) whose father built the flea market over 30 years time. As with Old Town, it was a struggle with the city government to make it work.

    The history is happenstance. The Old Boy's Club moved out of their facilities when the children in the neighborhood aged and the audience was no longer in the neighborhood. They moved south in the early 1970's. The vacant building was bought by Hulen Penney, a successful real estate broker, to be used as a flea market. In the former ball fields next to the building he built some mini-storage buildings- a building type that arose in the mid-1970's across the country. What happened was the people renting the mini-storage facility started asking him if they could sell out of their spaces during the flea market. COOL!
    The Boy's Club building burned to the ground in 1995, shifting the emphasis of the flea market over to those mini-storage facilities.

    So, like almost everything we run across here in Lubbock, the flea market as we see it today is not designed to serve a flea market program. It is a hodge podge of shifting uses in everyday life. It's never been designed.

    There's more to the rich history of the site that we'll fill you all in.

    For those of you enjoying the facilities at Old Town we have a special guest for you to meet soon- Michelle, who works at the flea market and along with her two kids and husband lives directly behind the flea market. She has some interesting insight for you about what her family's witnessed living near Old Town.

    I've received some angry looks and attitude from a few of you regarding this matter. I'll take any further "guff" from any of you as aggression and move this matter over to Student Judicial Affairs for thier review. It's bullying and anti-academic.

    Michelle tells of a weekend party that ran 24/7 from Thursday afternoon until Sunday afternoon during exam time last year. Maybe we should invite a leader of the Greeks who make up this constituency into our class for a discussion. Certainly, they are a constituency. I'd really like them to come out and meet their neighbors.

    We have a great constituency group to work with now:
    District Councilman Floyd Price
    Pastor Gerald Jackson and the congregation of Central Lubbock Church of Christ
    Bobby Wilson of Old Town
    Nan and Michelle, as well as many of the merchants, at Mercado La Pulga (The Fleamarket)

    Nan is eager to see us bring our work out to the market to show people what we're doing.

    Hat's off to B.

    Saturday, September 16, 2006


    If you're going to the site (whether you're on Burns Park, the Flea Market, or elsewhere) make sure that you introduce yourself and explain what it is you're doing before you take a picture or stand there for more than 30 seconds (while observing something, for example). If someone doesn't want to be photographed or would like you to leave then make a note of it and move on.


    Law Still on the Books

    from the Daily Torreador, 4/6/06, series: Lubbock After Dark, author: Ruth Bradley-

    In 1923, the city of Lubbock issued Ordinance No. 225, prohibiting persons with 1/8 or more black blood from living or owning property anywhere south of 16th Street and East of Avenue C, with the exception of hired servants. Violation of the ordinance was punishable by a fine of not more than $200, with each day lived outside the district considered a separate offense. The ordinance states that blacks living outside this area are a threat and that "their residence is dangerous to the health and pollutes the earth and atmosphere."

    Saturday, September 09, 2006

    Read This

    New York Times / dateline: New York, September 10, 2006
    Putting Whole Teeming Cities on the Drawing Board

    BUILDINGS are looking prettier than ever, thanks to the freedom that contemporary architects have these days to play with form. Meanwhile, many of our cities are falling to pieces, as the infrastructure that once bound them into functioning communities crumbles from years of neglect.

    New Orleans exposed a breakdown in infrastructure and social policy that will not be repaired by a conventional formula of tourism, architectural nostalgia and gated communities. And the atomization of cities as diverse as Dubai, Beijing and Beirut, where the construction of glistening new urban centers masks growing social inequities at their edges, have only further exposed the hollowness of some contemporary urban-planning strategies.

    So the most promising trend this year is a renewed emphasis in architectural circles on urbanism as a field for creative exploration. Architects like Eyal Weisman (in London), Teddy Cruz (San Diego), Philipp Oswalt (Berlin) and Rem Koolhaas (Rotterdam and just about everywhere else) have been striving to bridge the gap between architectural fantasy and stark political and social realities. Seeking to distance themselves from the current obsession with “star” buildings, they proceed from the assumption that we cannot create valid new architectural forms until we arrive at a deeper understanding of the era we live in.

    The 10th Venice Biennale of Architecture, which opens this weekend, is the first to focus on entire cities rather than uncovering the latest architectural trends. Organized by Ricky Burdett, the exposition examines the effect of design in cities as diverse as Cairo, Mumbai, São Paolo, Johannesburg, Mexico City and Caracas.

    Among the highlights is Al-Azhar Park in Cairo, conceived as an “urban lung” to provide relief for a city that has only one square meter of green space for each inhabitant, and a series of schools in São Paolo that function as around-the-clock community centers to help reduce violence among youths in the poorest slums. (Simply getting children off the streets is a starting point.) “I think projects like this give a raison d’être to architecture again, which is what the profession is looking for,” Mr. Burdett said.

    In “Lago: How It Works,” a book to be published this fall, Mr. Koolhaas turns his penetrating gaze to the Nigerian city, a dense matrix of congested slums and infill markets that in many cases have devised their own court systems and electricity and water utilities.

    In the 1970’s Lagos was the nexus of a stirring intellectual renaissance and a wave of sprawling, megalomaniacal urban planning projects. That optimism evaporated with the drop in oil prices at the end of the decade, and the city was left to fend for itself.

    Today, the Nigerian government is trying to resurrect some of the old planning projects, clamp down on illegal street trade and rein in urban indiscipline in general. Yet in eight years of research, Mr. Koolhaas realized that what seems like chaos to outsiders is a complex and highly organized social organism. His analysis suggests that a democratic, informal urban planning model could be combined with aggressive planning to lift Lagos out of poverty without destroying the spontaneous freedom of daily urban life.

    “In Lagos there is no choice, but there are countless ways to articulate the condition of no choice,” Mr. Koolhaas has said. “In New York, on the other hand, there’s a sense of infinite choice, but a very conventional set of options from which to choose.”

    Of course Mr. Koolhaas, now 62, has been known for countering conventional wisdom about how cities really work since the publication of “Delirious New York,’’ a 1978 book casting the “city of congestion” as an antidote to the sterility of Modernist planning conventions. Today, he is joined by a younger generation of architects who are no longer content to consider architecture in isolation from larger urban patterns. Among them is Mr. Oswalt, 42, who has organized a show that arrives in December at the Van Alen Institute in New York and the Pratt Manhattan Gallery. Titled “Shrinking Cities,” it examines the shrinking industrial centers on the fringes of the emerging global economy.

    The show sheds light on the abysmal failure of planners to avert the gradual disintegration of cities like Leipzig, Germany; Ivanovo, Russia; and Detroit. The phenomenon of decay is often juxtaposed with a different form of assault: the insidious encroachment of suburban values. New Yorkers need only stroll through SoHo to get the point.

    The exhibition, which originally opened in Berlin 2004, also resurrects some largely forgotten critiques of urbanization. It touches on the Disurbanist proposals of Soviet Constructivists like Moisei Ginzburg and Mikhail Barshch, who challenged the thinking behind Western urban traditions in favor of a more rural Russian model, and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Broadacre City, in which each family would be allotted an acre of land and the agglomeration would serve as a decentralized metropolis.

    But the show’s most penetrating attacks are reserved for more recent urban strategies, particularly the argument that the salvation of cities rests in a so-called “creative class” that leads the way to gentrification.

    “Shrinking Cities” is to travel in February to Detroit, where, a bit paradoxically, it will go on view in an abandoned 21,000-square-foot warehouse that will be the temporary home of the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit. Designed by Andrew Zago, the museum is being opened, in part, with the goal of revitalizing the city center.

    Finally, Mr. Weisman, an Israeli-born architect who is the recipient this year of the prestigious Stirling Prize for architecture, will open a series of lectures this fall at the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal. The talks are pegged to the release of “Hollow Land: The Architecture of Israeli Occupation,” a chilling book in which he explores the way the military selects targets in bombing and fortifying cities and how those strategies can re-emerge in civilian planning practices during peacetime.

    His analysis is ideally timed. If the Modernist mass-housing programs of a half-century ago reduced a generation of urban poor to mere numbers in a machine, many of those projects are now being wiped away to make room for an equally troubling formula: gated communities, open-air malls and sanitized tourist enclaves that have exacerbated social inequities by making destitute children invisible.

    Acknowledging the complexity of these issues is not enough. Thankfully, some architects have assumed the challenge of binding us back into a civilization whose fabric often seems on the verge of unraveling.

    Tuesday, September 05, 2006

    For Thursday

    Before class listen to the WBEZ "This American Life" show on mapping and it's agencies.
    A link is provided to the right.
    Begin thinking about the quality / quantity of the site that you will isolate and measure with an instrument.
    Meet in Burns Park at 11:15AM on Thursday. Come dressed appropriately and be prepared to take notes while walking around the site area.

    Monday, September 04, 2006

    Syllabus Update

    I have updated the class syllabus after consultation with some of the service-learning mentors on campus. Rather than have you post your reflections on meeting with the community on-line immediately, I've revised the assignment so it requires you to turn these reflections in as print documents. Once we've received them we'll ask select reflectors (with student approval or anonymously) to publish their reflection on the class page. So the assignment now reads:

    b) TX Ave. Market Park / Community Reflections (24 points - 24% of total grade)
    The class web site is at: http://3373.blogspot.com/ Over the course of the last two-thirds of the semester a series of events and visits will bring the local community and your efforts together for discussion and dialog. Twice in the semester you will be a part of one of these dialogs. You will take careful notes for at these meetings. Once you’ve had a meeting you will select a key image from your work that seems to have “resonance” with what came from your community meeting and you will reflect on what you took away from the dialog. On a single sheet of paper you will paste this image from your drawings and model shown to the community in the top third of the sheet of paper, list those present, the time and date, and you will write (11pt Ariel/Helvetica) a commentary below that on how you think your work was understood and taken in context in the meeting. Select presentations will be asked to post their reflections on the class weblog for further comment and discussion.

    Changing the syllabus of a class once the semester has begun requires the full "buy-in" of the students in the course. The change was made to allow you all to be more candid and private in your reflections. That's all. Anyone who has questions or disapproves of that revision should do so via email to me by Thursday at the beginning of class.

    Sunday, September 03, 2006

    Reading Assignment

    As stated in our last class:
    Read "The Beholding Eye" by D. W. Meinig.
    It can be downloaded from the right-hand column of this webpage.